About Us

Our Origins
From our Founder
As a child, I was fascinated by International Trade and how it connected the world together. I pictured cargo ships loaded full of food and supplies crossing the oceans to feed the world. Trade connects people despite language differences, religious practices, or cultural traditions to form a unique yet common human experience. Seafood has been in the heart of trading since the beginning of humanity. The connection between seafood and trade inspired me to create my own business at 26 years old with a college roommate in Paris in the late 90s. This opportunity allowed me to mix my passion with one of the most amazing materials you can find on Earth: Fish. I wanted to offer people the chance to try new things, and fall in love with other cultures. Watching people’s faces as they experienced new flavors and smells; this reaction is truly a unique experience that keeps me motivated even today.
After ten strong years, I knew that in order to fulfill my dream I had to move closer to the source of seafood, and I decided to move to the United States where I regularly traveled during my last decade in France. I wanted to personalize the experience of seafood by putting myself in a position to create strong partnerships with the fishermen, in order to understand the products better, and be able to identify the quality from the origin. I formed a small company that focused on the people we worked with, rather than trying to push large volumes of fish to unknowns.
My experience in the USA has not disappointed me. I discovered the beauty of the local seafood communities. People rely on one another for help and perceive the success of the other as a motivation to work harder and forge their own achievements. We share our success here in the USA and push one another to new heights. This strong community that welcomed me with open arms allowed me to fulfill my dreams. This response is why after 20 years I wake up every morning excited for the day in an industry I am proud to be a part of. I am always eager to meet new people who may teach me a new fishing technique, how to cook a fish, or how to process it. These experiences made me into the person I am today, and for that I am grateful.
Together, we can create a new experience, and continue to expand our love for seafood and the fishing community.
Meet the Team
Learn who makes our company great.